Essential Skin Care Products For A Sunny Winter Getaway

essential skin care products for a sunny winter getaway

What are the best skin care products for a sunny winter vacation? Do you usually bring sun damaged skin back as a winter vacation souvenir? As a dermatologist I'm determined to protect my skin from the sun and I just came back from a warm and sunny winter getaway.

There’s a lot of peer pressure to show off a tan when you're fortunate enough to getaway from cold weather for a while-but it's a bad idea!  In my dermatology practice I see some of the worst sun damaged skin on my patients who seasonally follow the sun. Don't let this happen to you.  The next time you fly south to escape the cold, be prepared to take good care of your skin.  Pack the right skin care products and sun protective clothing and resist the temptation to come home with a tan.

What's in a dermatologist's cosmetic bag on a sunny winter getaway

    best reef safe mineral sunscreens for winter getaway

    1. Mineral Sunscreens

    I packed my trusty mineral sun protection products which are my Sheer Strength Pure Physical Sunscreens. My sunscreens are fortified with the right antioxidant vitamins to help fight sun damage including vitamins C, A and E. 

      2. The best antioxidant facial skin care product

      I never travel without a high concentration antioxidant facial skin care product. We know that antioxidants help minimize damage from the sun’s rays by neutralize DNA damaging free radicals that form when sun impacts skin.  The most effective antioxidant skin care products, in my opinion, contain green tea Green Tea Antioxidant Skin Therapy I highly recommend this product applied daily under your moisturizer and sunscreen. 

      Green Tea Antioxidant Skin Therapy calms skin redness and fights sun damage.

      3. A good sunless tanner  

      My favorite is Avene Self Tanning Lotion.  Peer pressure for a tan is intense and a sunless tanner helps give a little bronze glow to skin so that I don't look so out of place on a tropical vacation.  It’s so much smarter to get skin color from a sunless tanner than a sun tan.

      4. A facial moisturizer that I trust

      I never rely on hotel toiletries for facial skin care because they underperform and are often filled with allergens. I always use my Daily Moisturizing Face Cream on my face.  It works nicely with my sunscreens and is compatible with my Green Tea Antioxidant Skin Therapy.

      Daily Moisturizing Face Cream is a deeply hydrating facial skin cream.

      What sun protective clothing does a dermatologist bring for a cruise vacation with intense sun exposure?

      1. Coolibar sun protective swim wear and clothing:  I packed my Coolibar swim tights and swim shirt and a range of sun shirts.
      2. Broad Brimmed Hat:  I sell sun hats and so I have a great collection.  I always have the right hat for play, dress up etc.  Always chose a full 3 to 5 inch brim hat that has complete scalp protection. On a trip make sure your hats are packable. Click here to see my sun hats and other sun protection products.
      3. Collapsible Sun Umbrella:  This trip I brought my Coolibar umbrella that doubles as a rain umbrella.  Believe me, it’s a lot cooler under an umbrella that standing in the direct sun.

      I think packing for any trip is tricky but when you're going on a sunny vacation, be sure you bring everything you need to protect your skin.  Don't bring home wrinkles and a lifetime's supply of skin cancers that will keep you well acquainted with your dermatologist.


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