Skin Care Articles
How does stress effect your skin? Stress - the word alone can trigger a heightened response. We all have dealt with stress in our lives. Some of us even deal with it daily on a chronic level. Stress can have...
Read moreAtopic dermatitis can be an uncomfortable condition to live with and can be affected by everything rom your diet to everyday items you use as part of your lifestyle. Are Atopic Dermatitis and Eczema the Sam...
Read moreI am a dermatologist who depends on my own eczema skin care routine to keep my skin comfortable, clear and eczema-free. I have eczema. I knew as a kid that I had dry sensitive skin and I've experienced many ...
Read moreDyshidrosis is a type of eczema that includes tiny blisters on the palms and fingers that are itchy and tender. The cause of dyshidrotic eczema is unknown, and the eczema often flares-up out of the blue. Dys...
Read moreEczema on your eyelid is called eyelid dermatitis. It usually happens because something touched your eyelid skin that you are allergic to or that was too harsh and irritating for your thin, eyelid skin. Eye...
Read moreWhat is Scalp Eczema? Is scalp eczema common? These three scalp eczema conditions are very common so we see this all the time in the dermatology office. Many times, patients don’t even realize that their sc...
Read moreDermatologic skin problems can cause blepharitis. This includes rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. The condition can be mild or severe – chronic or occasional. Whether the cause of your blepharitis is seborr...
Read moreThe American Contact Dermatitis Society just announced the new, rising-star allergen. They do this annually for allergens that are causing more and more allergic reactions. For 2017, the winner is...... Alky...
Read moreTruly hypoallergenic products are difficult to find. Even the many seductive products labeled as natural are not so benign, hypoallergenic, or non-toxic.
Read moreAtopic dermatitis is getting its own biologic. It’s called Dupilumab (Dupixenet), an injection that impacts the immune dysfunction that drives atopic dermatitis. It will be a game changer just as others have been for arthritis, psoriasis etc.
Read moreFor years, the parents of children with Eczema have been told by doctors to limit their child’s bathing. Is it true that bathing can make eczema worse? It is estimated that 75% of parents of children with eczema are confused about whether their children should or should not bathe. Thankfully, new research finally gives everyone a clear answer!
Read moreWhen I see a person with eczema-prone skin in my practice, I give them a tutorial on the basic building blocks of good skin care for eczema control. You too can manage your eczema with just a few basic steps...
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