Skin Care Articles

Rosacea and facial dandruff are usually 'bilateral and symmetric' but it is possible to have greater involvement on one side of the face. I was asked this question by a reader and want to share my answer. H...
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Does seborrheic dermatitis spread? Is it contagious? Many people wonder, including reader Rebecca Hello Dr. Bailey, I am curious about the potential of seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) to spread. If it does...
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Permanently straightening curly hair is not easy. Nature holds the curls in the protein structure of the hair shaft, and straightening the shaft involves chemically breaking those bonds. Permanently curling ...
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Do you have unsightly greasy, scaly rashes on your face and scalp? Do your eyebrows, nose, ears, chin, chest or scalp appear red and dry? You may have something called seborrheic dermatitis (pronounced seb-...
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Men's face and scalp dandruff can be a seasonal grooming challenge. Your skin changes with the seasons, which means that your skin care needs to as well. Have you noticed facial and scalp "dryness" in fall a...
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Hello Dr. Bailey, I've read your Tips for Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis Control and had a couple questions: You mention the Green Tea Antioxidant Skin Therapy as a great product for dermatitis, but other web...
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It's NOT Safe to Use Cortisone on the Face Indefinitely. Hello Dr. Bailey, I've been reading your columns about rosacea and have ordered your Green Tea Antioxidant Skin Therapy You mentioned using Locoid Oi...
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Skin care for men's dry flaky facial skin is often overlooked. I treat a lot of men in my dermatology practice. One of the most common skin problems I see on the facial skin of men is facial dandruff aka dry...
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Dr. Bailey, I have seborrheic dermatitis and have found your website tips and information extremely helpful. I was hoping that you'd consider adding some information about the prescription shampoo Loprox to ...
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Dandruff in the ear is a vexing problem that I like to describe as "The itch that can't be scratched". My dad had it when I was a kid. I fixed it for dad once I became a dermatologist - like the mouse that p...
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ZNP Bar Soap was the only available bar soap at Walgreen's and other pharmacy retailers with the maximal allowed level of 2% medicated pyrithione zinc for many years. As of 2011 ZNP is no longer available. ...
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Dermatologist's tips to for combining facial anti aging and dandruff skin care is the topic of a reader's recent question. I wanted to share it with everyone because there are some important skin care tricks...
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