Combining Facial Anti Aging and Dandruff Skin Care

how to combining facial anti aging and dandruff skin care

Dermatologist's tips to for combining facial anti aging and dandruff skin care is the topic of a reader's recent question. I wanted to share it with everyone because there are some important skin care tricks to consider.

tretinoin dandruff combination skin care

Dear Dr. Bailey, I'm 32 years old and have sensitive combination skin with mild acne and seborrheic dermatitis. I still don't have any wrinkles but I want to use something that will prevent them. I tried some anti-age creams but they seemed to aggravate my acne and seborrheic dermatitis.

On the other hand, my creams for seborrheic dermatitis and acne don't do much to prevent wrinkles. What should I use? I envy people with normal skin who can use retinol or tretinoin Retin A to prevent wrinkles. I'm worried because I can't find anything to fight both wrinkles and seborrheic dermatitis. Please help. Patricia

Dear Patricia, I like to start my patients on good anti-aging skin care as early as possible because prevention works so much better than reversal! 32 is a good time to start and I congratulate you wanting to figure out this skin care dilemma. My favorite anti aging product combo is a retinoid such as tretinoin or retinol, and a broad spectrum zinc oxide sunscreen.  I am able to get most people with dandruff to tolerate retinol or tretinoin (Retin A) if I first control the dandruff completely.  

Dermatologist's tips to control facial dandruff to add anti aging retinol or tretinoin skin care products.

tretinoin for dandruff with this routine

My approach is to control the facial inflammation of dandruff with the products in my Facial Flaking and Redness Solutions Kit. It includes the 3 key products in 3 steps:

  1. My patients cleanse their facial skin with Calming Zinc Bar once or twice a day to fight Pityrosporum yeast associated with dandruff.
  2. They apply the Green Tea Antioxidant Skin Therapy twice daily after washing to sooth redness and reload skin antioxidant reserve depleted by inflammation.
  3. Daily Moisturizing Face Cream is layered over the Green Tea to heal disrupted skin barrier associated with facial dandruff.

If this alone does not control the seborrhea, then I have them use Lotrimin and possibly hydrocortisone cream like I mentioned in my article on how I treat facial seborrhea in my practice. 

I always have my patients use a zinc oxide sunscreen daily on facial skin. My top choice is one of the SPF 50+ hypoallergenic and non-irritating pure zinc products in my Sheer Strength Pure Physical Sunscreen line including my Matte Tinted, Invisible or Spray. I reserve the water-resistant product for swimming only. The powder is to refresh sunscreen during the day.

best sunscreen for sensitive seborrhea facial skin


best retinol for facial seborrhea anti aging skin careRetinol for dandruff if you don't have a prescription for tretinoin

We wait at least 2 months and then I see them back.  We then gradually try to add my Retinol Night Cream or Retin A at the lowest strength. The beauty of my Retinol Cream is that it includes green tea polyphenol antioxidants to help reduce the risk if retinol irritation. Retinol is also easier to tolerate than prescription tretinoin yet known to offer similar benefits in the fight against skin aging. 

It is also important to know that we may need to avoid applying retinoids to the parts of the face most prone to dandruff (around the nose and the eyebrows).  Anytime the dandruff flares up we stop the retinol or Retin A, get out the lotrimin and/or hydrocortisone until it's clear then resume the retinol or Retin A.

We sometimes add BBL/IPL treatments, microdermabrasion treatments and calming facials as 'in office' procedures to enhance the anti-aging benefits and calm the dandruff. Of course, this is all supervised by me and is medical treatment.  I cannot guarantee that it is right for you. I would recommend that you print out this post and take it to your dermatologist to see if my approach might be right for you.  They, of course, would be responsible for initiating and supervising your treatment. I hope this helps you better understand how I approach my patients with these two conditions.

Click here to learn more about my Facial Flaking and Redness Solution Kit - a great way to calm skin for retinoids, tretinoin and anti-aging skin care products.

If you use tretinoin, don't miss this complete guide: How to Apply Tretinoin Cream: A Guide to Demystifying Its Use

Not sure what might be causing the redness on your face? This guide may help understand facial redness, treatment, causes, products, and beyond.

Warm Regards,

Cynthia Bailey MD, Dermatologist

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