Vitamins For Healthy Skin

The best vitamins for healthy skin come from eating fresh, whole foods. Eating a rainbow of fresh veggies and fruits loads your skin with essential vitamins from the inside out. I've emphasized a holistic approach to treating skin problems in my 35+ year career in dermatology. I've seen daily that our skin reflects our diet and lifestyle choices - for better or worse. My passion is in helping people make a positive impact on their skin healthy through their diet and lifestyle choices.
Use a healthy diet to support your skin care regimen and see the difference in the mirror - you'll simply look (and feel) the best ever. You are what you eat, your skin included. Use it to your advantage when it comes to fixing your skin problems. There's no shortcut.Â
Your human body has adapted over time to get the nutrients you need from the foods you eat. No bottle of processed vitamins, minerals or 'magic nutrient' will substitute for a poor diet.
As a dermatologist, people ask me all the time for a 'dietary bypass' that will fix their skin, hair and nail problems - and there just isn't any.
The answer is in this photo of produce that I just brought in from my garden. Whole foods, fresh, preferably grown organically, have what it takes to do the job. There's no better time than now to head out to the grocery, farmer's market or garden and make it your daily goal to eat a rainbow of just-harvested produce.
Dermatologist's Diet Advice for Healthy Skin

1. Eat organic and fresh for vitamins, antioxidants and minerals
Organically grown fresh produce has the highest nutritional content because nutrients start breaking down the minute food is harvested. Organically grown foods have more to begin with. Click here to read Diet Recommendations for Healthy Skin
2. Eat lots of beta carotene foods
This nutrient makes beautiful (and healthy) complexions. My absolute favorite nutritional ingredient for beauty is beta carotene because it functions like a self-tanner, giving your skin a beautiful golden glow.Â

I always eat a healthy dose of carrots, winter squash or dark green veggies to keep my pale skin naturally 'bronzed'. Believe it or not it works! Click here to read Skip the Tan and Eat Your Veggies for Beautiful Skin Color
3. Eat lots of omega 3 rich foods
Omega 3 fatty acids are proven to rock when it comes to fighting inflammation. Inflammation is the instigator of all sorts of mischief from psoriasis and acne to heart disease and strokes. The modern western diet is low in omega 3 and high in its evil counterpart Omega 6. Tip the balance in your body and see how different you look and feel. Click here to read Age Beautifully, Fight Cancer and Prevent Heart Disease By Adding Flax Seeds To Your Diet
4. Eat your vitamin D instead of damaging your skin in the sun

This is a really important vitamin and I admit, this is the one vitamin I actually recommend we all take daily in capsule form regularly. Click here to read Are You really Getting Vitamin D From The Sun Or Just Nuking Your DNA?
5. Eat a diet that has more veggies than anything else to reduce inflammation

This includes skin inflammation like rosacea, acne, eczema, psoriasis. A plant-slant diet will load your body with vital, bioavailable nutrients in exactly the form that your human body is designed to use. Click here to read The Alkaline Mediterranean Diet, A Magic Wand For Overall Health And Beauty
6. Eat naturally fermented, probiotic rich foods every day to keep your digestive track healthy.Â
I suspect that this little secret is one of the biggest under-appreciated necessities for a healthy body. Your digestive track helps you absorb the right nutrients and excrete harmful toxins (like mercury). My favorite probiotic food is naturally fermented kefir because it’s loaded with beneficial probiotics. Click here to read Kefir, The Best Probiotic for Healthy Skin.

7. Eat less carbs, dairy and junk food to prevent acne.
Yes, we dermatologists finally have diet advice for you if you suffer from acne. Click here for 4 Diet Changes That Can Help You Improve Your Acne, Dermatologist's Advice
8. Eat foods rich in natural spices!

Yes, I've never posted on the subject of spices and health, but the scientific evidence is mounting. Spices are starting to join the ranks of health super heroes. Some of the best are turmeric and cinnamon. I actually take a turmeric capsule every day (because I haven't figured out how to cook with it on a daily basis) and I add cinnamon to my morning cup of matcha. I promise to post on spices in the coming year.
You are what you eat, healthy skin, hair and nails included. Use it to your advantage. Aim for beauty by eating a rainbow of fresh produce every day. Then look in the mirror and brace yourself for the difference! - Dermatologist and Skin Wellness Expert Dr. Cynthia Bailey