Skin Care Blog
How Often Should You Wash Your Underwear?
Good hygiene is important for both your underpants as well as your skin to prevent infection and rashes.
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Hypoallergenic Lip Balm - New, Natural, Organic Dermatologist's Lip Care
Harmful ingredients in lip balms can prompt an allergic rash that looks and feels like chapped lips. The lip balm company benefits and your lips suffer.
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Best Home Cleaning Products for Sensitive Skin
Truly hypoallergenic products are difficult to find. Even the many seductive products labeled as natural are not so benign, hypoallergenic, or non-toxic.
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The Pros and Cons of Lip Balms
Do you need lip balm? Can you get addicted to lip balm? Are some lip balms bad? The answers are yes, yes and yes! How do you pick a good lip balm and what should you avoid? What does a dermatologist recomme...
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