Spring Clean Acne

spring acne treatment specials

Spring clean acne and have clear skin for tank tops, sun dresses, prom - or just life! 

Save up to 20% on medical-grade acne skin care for a limited time with coupon code SPRINGCLEANACNE23

Get my unique dermatologist-developed skin care routines for stubborn acne. I include an ingredient no other acne routines do - pyrithione zinc. I combine it with synergistic products into a routine that yields results. Fight 'fungal acne' at the same time you fight common acne. It's the secret and it works!

back acne kit medical-grade

I cannot thank you enough for your information on back acne and the zinc soap. I have dealt with back and chest breakouts for almost 20 years, and been to numerous dermatologists - not one ever mentioned pyrithione zinc as a solution. I thought I had tried everything - sprays, washes, and all they did was dry out my skin and make it itchy - and I would still get breakouts the minute I broke a sweat.

After a couple of weeks of using the zinc soap at night and benzoyl peroxide wash in the morning, my back and chest were completely clear - which has never happened in my entire life. And a few months later, they are STILL completely clear. I can finally wear tanktops again. My skin is soft and smooth, and my husband comments on it all the time. He can't believe the difference. So glad I found your website. Thank you so much. Jennifer B

Yep, acne care that's like a trip to an uncommon dermatologist without the appointment! 

I developed these treatment routines based on over 30+ years of clinical practice helping people like you. I didn't just write a prescription and move on to the next patient. Nope, I worked until I got it right. My approach to acne is unique. 

Get clear skin just in time for warm weather with proven dermatologist's acne treatment kits.

back fungal acne kit

Clear stubborn back acne with my Back and Body Acne Kit

Clear stubborn facial acne with my Pityrosporum Folliculitis Kit

Get ready for spring with medical grade acne skin care, just in time for warm weather and skin-baring fashions.

Use coupon code SPRINGCLEANACNE23 and see what my unique medical-grade acne care will do for your acne!


Sensitive Skin Natural Could be agitiating

Sensitive Skin Natural Could be agitiating

Adult Acne and Anti-Aging Kit
Adult Acne and Anti-Aging Kit
Save On kits

Adult Acne and Anti-Aging Kit

$373.00 Regular price $415.00

Foaming Acne Treatment Cleanser
Foaming Acne Treatment Cleanser

Foaming Acne Treatment Cleanser


Sheer Strength Pure Physical Matte Tinted Creme Sunscreen, SPF 50
Sheer Strength Pure Physical Matte Tinted Creme Sunscreen, SPF 50

Sheer Strength Pure Physical Matte Tinted Creme Sunscreen, SPF 50


Sheer Strength Pure Physical Invisible Sunscreen, SPF 50
Sheer Strength Pure Physical Invisible Sunscreen, SPF 50

Sheer Strength Pure Physical Invisible Sunscreen, SPF 50


Salux Wash Cloth
Salux Wash Cloth

Salux Wash Cloth


Pressed Mineral Makeup Powder
Pressed Mineral Makeup Powder

Pressed Mineral Makeup Powder

From $15.00 Regular price $35.00

Loose Mineral Makeup Powder Foundation
Loose Mineral Makeup Powder Foundation

Loose Mineral Makeup Powder Foundation

From $10.00 Regular price $32.00

Buf-Puf Gentle Exfoliating Facial Sponge
Buf-Puf Gentle Exfoliating Facial Sponge

Buf-Puf Gentle Exfoliating Facial Sponge
