Testimonials for Our Dermatology Office

By Cynthia Bailey MD.

Dr. Cynthia Bailey Dermatology Practice Testimonials

"You found a melanoma on my leg and I still don't know how you figured out it was bad when my legs are covered with freckles. I didn't even come in for something on my legs, you just found it. I feel like you saved my life." Cheryl M, Gualala, CA, 2011

"Last year I was visiting the Black Hills of South Dakota at an animal safari park. I was 73 and asked for the senior discount admission rate for 60 and over, and they carded me! It's all because of Dr. Bailey, I've been her patient for years and she has me doing all these good things for my skin." Annon, 2011

"Dr. Bailey is just the best. She found and removed three melanomas from me. These were missed by two doctors in Vermont and one in San Jose. Dr. Bailey seems to get to know you and your skin conditions. The scars (from her surgeries) are straight and almost invisible." Bob R, San Jose, CA, 2010

"Dr Bailey, I haven't seen you for about 10 years and I think in the 10 years you haven't changed-in fact you might actually look younger!" Lynnett G, Forestville, CA, 2010

"My friend who used to come here and moved to Tucson said, 'I just can't find a dermatologist here like Dr. Bailey.'" SB, 2009

"I travel 3000 miles to come here because there is nobody like Dr. Bailey where I live." SG, 2008

"Dr. Bailey certainly has the experience to know what works and what doesn't." MN

"Oh Cynthia is so wonderful...how on earth did you ever get an appointment with her?" JW

"We tell everyone we know about Dr. Bailey, but she's not taking new patients. She's the only one as far as we're concerned." Georgia and Herbert H., Sonoma County, 2009

"Great and thorough experience." ML, 2009

"I'm a veteran patient with many years of good caring care by Dr. Bailey." GB, 2009

"People compare what Cynthia Bailey told them; she puts things in such interesting ways like, 'you're a barnacle former', 'you have decorative skin', 'your skin is schmutzy today'." SH

"Skin cancer is unforgiving. I started sailing when I was 5. After numerous long distance races my skin has suffered tremendously. Dr. Bailey has kept the situation under control for the past 15 plus years. It's something that's never going away, but if I didn't seek help long ago I wouldn't be here today to tell you how great Dr. Bailey is." Richard C, Sebastopol, CA, 2009

"We like Dr. Bailey. There isn't anybody like her where we live (over 2000 miles from Sebastopol so we keep coming back to Dr. Bailey) and that's the bottom line. She is so real." SG & DG, 2009

"You are so good with your surgical technique, I sing your praises." MC, 2009

"You (Dr. Bailey) are so believable because you use what you advocate and that is so important to me." BP, 2009

"Every time I tell someone about the surgery on my face they come and look and they can't find the scar. I say, hey man, I have a specialist and she knows what she is doing." Francis W, Sonoma County, 2009

Dermatology Office Testimonials

"I am 100% better due to the office's help, and of course Hattie is super!" ON, 2009

"Very welcoming presence abounds in this office. Cynthia is a special person with very caring abilities. The receptionist is outstanding also. I enjoy my visits!" LF, 2009

"I'm very happy with everything for the almost 20 years that I've been a patient here!" Gladys A, 2009

"Warm and friendly staff and great office ambiance. Love the hats and magazines! So many offices are so institutional you don't want to be there." Carolyn K, Santa Rosa, CA, 2009

Sciton BBL IPL Treatment Testimonials

"My husband really noticed how much better my skin looked when we visited my younger sister. He said "you look younger than your sister now". I'll take it!" CR, Sonoma County, CA, 2011

"I have pores that have been inflamed since I was 20 and now, oh my god they're not inflamed. Not having facial redness makes a big difference to how my skin looks. Even my neck redness is gone and my pores look better. I normally come home from my trips to Santa Rosa so late and tired (from taking care of my elderly and ailing mother) that I look terrible. After my 3rd treatment my husband said "You look great, you must have had a really good day today. You look really good, should I be worried about something?" My skin looked so good I didn't look haggard and tired even though I was still under stress. Even my dental hygienist noticed the redness in my face was gone and said"Oh my god, your face looks so much better." She wants to come in and get the treatments too." Frances G, Willits, CA, 2009

"A couple of people said "gee you look good"; they are noticing and they don't know what I'm doing. But most of all, I notice the changes. My face looks thinner and my neck is less puffy." Margaret R, Sonoma County, CA, 2009

"(People are saying) you don't look like you're about to turn 60." Rebecca, Sonoma County, CA, 2009

"I've been pleased with the results. So is my wife and that's more important." David M, Mendocino County, CA, 2009

"One BBL treatment made a BIG difference to the red marks on my face from a bad acne flair up. It really helped my confidence in myself." Monica T, Los Angeles, CA, 2010

"I have severe rosacea and it took a week for my skin to start changing, then it kept changing and it's still getting better. It's amazing!" M McC

"The BBL has made a fantastic difference on my face - after one treatment the freckles were gone and the broken capillaries (redness) has been significantly reduced. I can't wait to see my face after treatment 2 and 3." Anonymous

"It's made a huge difference in my skin. My mom said it took 15 years off me." LB, 2009

"I just had my first treatment and I feel like a new person!" HM

"I love my skin. You can't believe the compliments I get. Thank you (Dr. Bailey) for my skin; I love, love, love my skin." Karen A, Sonoma County, CA, 2009

"A bunch of my friends have said my face looks great. They say 'your skin is just looking so nice. You look great, I can't put my finger on it'." BK, 2009

"After 1 treatment my skin is very much improved. I look 'refreshed'. Someone said, 'oh you can't be 57.'" JP, 2009

"(After 2 BBL treatments) I'm able to reduce the amount of make up I wear daily and no longer need extra coverage on my nose." Anonymous, 2009

"(After 1 BBL for severe rosacea) Boy that treatment worked great; I almost thought of canceling my second treatment because I can't imagine it could be any better. My broken capillaries are almost 100% gone. My freckles are paler." Andrea B, Sonoma County, CA, 2009

Profractional Laser and Micro Laser Peel Testimonials

"I ran into a friend who I hadn't seen in a while and she complimented me on how nice my face - particularly my skin - looked. I was thrilled! Thank you so much for your care!" Lynne M, Sonoma County, CA, 2011

"Dr. Bailey you did such a great job when we treated the wrinkles around my mouth with the laser. You did a real number on me. I was completely numb and didn't feel a thing so it was easy, but when I went home the skin looked like a real mess for a day and I thought wow, maybe this was too much. But in 3 days it was fine! The healing is amazing and the results are perfect. I'm so happy. I've had a lot of different cosmetic procedures including chemical peels, laser and fillers and you really got rid of all the wrinkles around my mouth. Now, when can we do the laser around my eyes?" Linda N, 2012

"After my first deep laser and BBL combination treatment my face looks better and I'm so surprised by how fast it heals. By day 5 I was able to shave and no one could really tell I had anything like that done." Charles F, 2012

"My face looks great since the profractional treatments. I did the ProF in July and in Sept and just this month in January I looked at my face and said 'oh my god it's too cool it keeps looking better'. I can't tell you how pleased I am. You know where I just noticed it the most is around my jowls." Linda N, Santa Rosa, CA, 2011

"What I really noticed after the last treatment is that the 'orange peel' texture to my facial skin is really changed." Audrey S, Sebastopol, CA, 2010

"I am really happy that I did this and I continue to see improvement in my skin. I ran into old friends who have commented that I haven't "changed AT ALL". Well, little do they know what I would REALLY look like! Ha! I am very appreciative to Dr. Bailey." Dottie H, 2009

"I am really pleased!The healing was really fast; 5 days after you couldn't really tell I had had a procedure done. No discomfort either. I had a little bit of burning that afternoon, and the next day nothing. I'm trying to figure out how to fit another in before school starts." Linda N, Sonoma County, CA, 2009

Botox Testimonials

"Dr. Bailey did a great job; wasn't too much, wasn't too little and didn't do this crazy thing that happened when I had it done by someone else. It was perfect." AA, 2009

"You (Dr. Bailey) obviously hit the precise spots, you watched as you had me moving my eyebrows. You're a real artist. The plastic surgeon was good but you're better." Andrea P, Sonoma County, CA, 2009

"It was amazing, I had results right away and they lasted 4 full months. The results were fabulous and I have only had movement in the last 2 weeks. I couldn't believe it because I'm 53 years old and everything I read said you want to do Botox before you have wrinkles, but my crease went away." JM, 2009

"I'm really pleased with how it turned out! I was expecting to just notice the area around my mouth and I didn't expect the lips to be so different too. I love the way my lower lip looks, it's really nice, and my mouth doesn't turn down anymore. When I would put my lipstick it used to get into the creases of my upper lip and it doesn't anymore because my upper lip is just full enough to stop this." Annon, 2011

Aesthetician Services Testimonials

"I'm delighted to finally have a skin care regimen that I can trust and works for me! Dr. Bailey's recommendations for skin care are easy to follow, the products are affordable, and provide positive results. I'm grateful to have my dermatologist and aesthetician under the same roof where I know I'm getting sound, professional advice. Microdermabrasion facials have clearly improved the texture and feel of my skin and coupled with Dr. Bailey's mineral makeup that is matched to my skin tone by the aesthetician, I'm happy to report that I'm very pleased with the results." Joan J, Santa Rosa, CA, 2012

"I love your makeup, the texture is so light that it feels like I don't have makeup on but at the same time it works so well, I even use it as concealer. I used to use Bare Minerals and didn't like it, it was messy and felt confining on my skin, like you could scrape it off. That skin cream Glycolix Ultra Lite is great too and feels light on my skin." Charmaine P, 2012

"After my facial, my face feels so dewy and fresh!" MB, 2009

Due to doctor/patient confidentiality and my concern for the privacy off my web customers, I use only the first name or initials of the people who have so wonderfully provided these testimonials. Be assured, these are real people and unsolicited testimonials! I'm grateful for their confidence in me and their willingness to participate in the information here at Dr. Bailey Skin Care.