Press Inquiries

By Cynthia Bailey MD.

press inquiries for Dermatologist Dr. Cynthia BaileyDo you need quotes from, or to interview a, popular Board Certified Dermatologist and Skin Care Educator?

Dr. Bailey has been featured in the media locally, nationally and internationally since 1991. Her practical and easy to understand skin care advice also reaches a worldwide audience through her popular Health and Skin Wellness Blog.

Board Certified Dermatologist available for media quotes

Dr. Bailey is happy to help the media with skin expert quotes and information. For media inquiries, please contact the office at (707) 829-5780 Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 1:30 to 4pm PST, and/or reach us by email at marketing (at) Please provide information about your article.

You can find Dr. Bailey's skin health tips on her Health and Skin Wellness Blog,ย and in the Glossary on her Advice Page. A small sample of the hundreds of experts quotes she has provided to the media can be found in print and on the web including this small sample:
