Psoriasis Skin Care

psoriasis skin care

Skin care that prevents skin dryness and treats seborrhea will go a long way to helping maintain psoriasis-free skin.

If you are prone to psoriasis - like I am and my dad and grandfather were - I know as a dermatologist that our skin care routine is really important to controlling our skin's propensity for psoriasis. - Dr. Cynthia Bailey

Save up to 20% during Psoriasis Awareness Month this August with coupon code NOPSORIASIS

Rich moisturizers and pyrithione zinc cleansers are game changers for psoriasis maintenance. You can build a regular skin care routine and with these and help reduce the tendency for flare ups. Preventing flare ups of psoriasis helps to avoid the need for prescription medicines and the remedies we love to hate such as tar!

Skin Care Tips for Psoriasis:

Face Care

  • Cleanse your face daily to reduce sebopsoriasis. Use Calming Zinc Soap at least once a day and a gentle cleanser the other time.
  • Apply Green Tea Antioxidant Skin Therapy after cleansing to help reduce inflammation.
  • Layer one of my moisturizers such as the Daily Moisturizing Face Cream on top to heal skin barrier compromise that accompanies sebopsoriasis.
  • Boost skin hydration by adding a few drops of Omega Face Booster Oil to your moisturizer. Men can apply my Omega Oil under their facial hair to fight beardruff. 

Scalp Care

Wash your scalp daily or every other day to reduce sebopsoriasis using Foaming Zinc Cleanser. Loosen scale by massaging the lather with a Scalp Scrubber. Apply Omega Enriched Oil to stubborn plaques of scale. 

Body Care

  • Cleanse daily in a warm shower using a fragrance-free gentle skin cleanser such as my Natural Shower Gel or Natural Bar Soap. Use Foaming Zinc if you have greasy scaly red sebopsoriasis on your chest and back. 
  • Apply a rich moisturizer such as my Natural Body Butter Cream or Natural Lotion within 3 minutes of toweling skin dry. Twice weekly, substitute Glycolic Acid Body Lotion to troublesome areas such as your arms, legs and trunk. 
psoriasis skin care from Dr. Cynthia Bailey

Yep, when we take good care of our skin on a daily basis, psoriasis is less likely to return. It's important. Find my favorite unscented rich moisturizers, gentle cleansers and pyrithione zinc soaps.

Use coupon code NOPSORIASIS during Psoriasis Awareness Month and save up to 20% on my favorite skin care products for psoriasis.

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