Summer Skin Care Exposed

summer skin care tips for glowing skin

You know you want it... 

soft, glowing, protected skin exposed in your favorite summer clothing. 

I crave it - insanely touchable glowing skin in skin baring outfits during the hottest days of summer - and I've made getting it my superpower. Yep, at 64 I'm still obsessed:

  • Soft, satiny, glowing skin exposed in carefree summer fashions.
  • Healthy facial skin fending off pigment problems and protected from free radical UV damage.
  • Summer acne under control.

    Get my personal secrets for satiny summer skin and save up to 20% with coupon code SUMMEREXPOSED.

    We all want soft summer skin that we're proud to expose and the right skin care can make it happen.

    Tips for your body, arms and legs:

    1. Using clinical-grade AHA skin care gets you glowing satin-smooth body skin fast. My Ultra-Fast Triple Action Body Smoothing Kit gives you everything you need. Use it at least twice a week and watch (and feel) the transformation! 
    2. Protect exposed skin during daylight hours with Sheer Strength Pure Physical Water-Resistant SPF 50 Spray when you're not covered up with UPF 50 clothing. 
    3. Apply a rich moisturizer like my Natural Body Lotion after every bath or shower when not using the Glycolic Acid Body Lotion.

    Tips for glowing summer facial skin:

    My Complete Skin Care Kit has everything to Cleanse Correct Hydrate Protect™ skin for a safe and free-radical fighting healthy glow; the right facial cleanser followed by the highest concentration of stable green tea polyphenols, the perfect moisturizer and topped with the best pure mineral matte tinted sunscreen - it's rocket science for skin care - and it works. 

    • Add my Pigment Fading Pads after cleansing if sun spots or melasma are reoccurring summer problems for you.
    • Add a few drops of my Omega Enriched Face Booster Oil to your facial moisturizer for the ultimate glowing skin if you tend towards facial dryness like I do.  

    Fend off summer's acne:

    The Pityrosporum yeast loves summer's heat as much as you do. Beat it back with my Pityrosporum Folliculitis Acne Kit that treats summer acne on both the face and body. If just your chest and back are breaking out, use my Body Acne Kit to treat pimples.

      Insanely touchable skin...

      soft, clear and satin-smooth - exposed in your favorite carefree summer clothing. I've always been obsessed with it and I've made getting us there my superpower.  Save up to 20% on my proven solutions with coupon code SUMMEREXPOSED.

        Love the skin you're in this summer - satiny shoulders glowing in the twilight sun, soft elbows caressed, smooth calves and soft feet in your favorite sandals... insanely touchable, and why not?? Life is short and sensational summer skin is within reach. - Dr. Cynthia Bailey

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