Complete Skin Care - Protect

Dr. Bailey's Complete Skin Care Routine Step 4: Protect

Sun protection is important to reduce wrinkling, skin thinning, liver spots, uneven skin pigmentation, skin thinning, crepey skin, rosacea, and skin cancer.

UV exposure always damages skin cell DNA leading to skin aging and skin cancer. If your skin is tan, it's been exposed and DNA damage has occurred. I love the sun, but not on my skin!

If the sun is up, your skin needs UV protection because most of the signs of skin aging are due to UV ray exposure. – Cynthia Bailey, MD, Dermatologist and Skin Wellness Expert

The best sun protection uses a combination of tools, the best sunscreen, and smart choices to protect skin from damaging UV rays. As a dermatologist who is also an outdoor enthusiast and has specialized in skin cancer for over 30 years, I am a pro at sun protection. I have the very best sunscreens and tools to help you build convenient sun protection that works. This includes a combination of:

  1. The best dermatologist recommended sunscreens.
  2. Real sun hats that are easy to wear, well-priced, and convenient.
  3. Clothing treatment to create sun protection fabric out of your existing clothing.
  4. A real sun umbrella so you can take your shade with you into the sun.
  5. A simple tool to detect UV rays anywhere so you can learn how UV rays bounce and pass through things like windows.

I am a dermatologist who recommend only zinc oxide sunscreens!

I'm constantly reviewing the advances in sunscreen formulation and scientific research. I have also done over 200,000 skin exams during my career so I get to see how well sunscreens work. I've seen that zinc oxide provides the safest and most stable broad spectrum sun protection. It’s what I use and recommend to my patients and family. The good news is that it is now easy to use. Yep! 

Transparent zinc oxide sunscreen is here – and it’s ‘rocket science'!

Invest in the best sun protection - it matters. You need to love your sunscreen so you’ll wear it 365 days a year. My Sheer Strength Sunscreens are ‘rocket science’ because they are transparent zinc oxide sunscreens that you will love!

Protect your skin from sun up to sun down all year round, and you will be rewarded with younger looking skin for your lifetime. Dr. Bailey

Remember that harmful and aging UV sun rays come through most windows so you need sunscreen everyday on all exposed areas of your skin. Sun protection and mineral zinc oxide sunscreen should be part of your daily skin care routine to help prevent skin aging and skin cancer. I've worn zinc oxide sunscreen for over 35 years and my skin looks better in my 60s than it did in my 20's. It's never too late to start! Zinc oxide sunscreens are also non-irritating, hypoallergenic and great for all skin types, even sensitive skin.

Sensitive Skin Natural Could be agitiating

Sensitive Skin Natural Could be agitiating